
Commands that can give you a laugh, or you can mess around with your friends.


Usage: $8ball <question> Information: Let the 8ball decide your future, go ahead, ask it a question!

Gay Meter

Usage: $gayrate <@mention or name/place> Information: Will attempt to rate how gay the thing you mention or put is.

Simp Meter

Usage: $simprate <@mention or name/place> Information: Will attempt to rate how much of a simp the thing you mention or put is.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Usage: $rps Information: Will throw a rock, paper, or scissors for you and the bot itself. This command is mostly a dud.

Compatibility Meter

Usage: $compatibility <@mention> Information: You will get a love compatibility rating with the user you mentioned.


Usage: $kill [@mention] Information: Kills the mentioned user. If no user is mentioned, you kill yourself. RIP.

Roll Dice

Usage: $rolldice <number of sides> Information: Rolls a dice for you. There is a limit of 1000 sides.

Dad Joke

Usage: $dadjoke Information: Gives you one of those classic dad jokes that I am sure you can't get enough of.

Yomama Insult

Usage: $yomama Information: Insults yo mama. Be careful with this command.

Last updated